Timed Practice Exams
Allows you to practice for the Boards at your own pace and get real time results. Review practice questions that simulate the Board exam with the DIR Timed Practice Exam.
Board’s Top-Tested Questions
Create a custom quiz and select questions from the Board’s top-tested categories or filter questions that you’ve seen before or answered correctly.
Study Guide
Download the audio version of the study guide or eStudy Guide to take with you
wherever you go.
Krazy Kodachrome Video Review Series
Watch Kodachrome review to become better equipped to approach image based questions on the boards and when evaluating patients in the clinical arena. Led by Dr. Adam Friedman and in partnership with George Washington University.
Dermpath Study Tool
Flip through the Slide Study with 100 random slides and read through diagnoses. Dermpath images are brought to you by our educational partner, Sonic Healthcare, USA.
Derm In-Review Kodachrome Flashcard Stacks
Scroll through exam-relevant images while customizing your own flashcard stacks. Dermpath images are a resource of DIR brought to you by our educational partner, Sonic Healthcare, USA.
Derm In-Review is excited to bring you an all-new quiz game! Practice your skills in challenges against other dermatology residents!
During each MedChallenge round, you will be provided context for answering a dermatology question. Rack up your points with rapid, correct responses to win a challenge composed of 5 rounds. Play now!