GW Core Crusher 2024 Evaluation – Derm In-Review

GW Core Crusher 2024 Evaluation

Overall, how did you like the 2024 Core Crusher?
How useful was the information presented at this event?
Please rate the following faculty member and their presentation: Michael Cardis, MD (Dermatopathology)
Please rate the following faculty member and their presentation: Karl Saardi, MD (Medical Dermatology)
Please rate the following faculty member and their presentation: Pooja Sodha, MD (Cosmetic Dermatolog)
Please rate the following faculty member and their presentation: Yasmine Kirkorian, MD (Pediatric Dermatology)
Please rate the following faculty member and their presentation: Adam Friedman, MD (Medical Dermatology)
Please rate the following faculty member and their presentation: Adam Tinklepaugh, MD (Dermatologic Surgery)